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Kole Ghochi pistachio

Due to its appearance, this pistachio is considered one of the large pistachio varieties and is round or hazelnut-shaped. The ram's head pistachio has a special depression in the
head of its bone shell, which distinguishes it from others. This pistachio is one of the commercial and economic varieties of pistachio in Iran. This type of pistachio, together with Akbari pistachio, is one of the most expensive types in the market.
The fame of the ram's head pistachio is due to its high percentage of smiling, as well as the large size of the brain and its very good taste. It can be said that ram head pistachios have the highest weight among other types. The quality of this variety is at an average level and therefore it has a good sale
in the market. This type of pistachio has a white bone color with medium dark color.


20 tons


Packaging can be packed in demand


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